Koenig Lump Breaker

Cement when it is stored in silos sometimes tends to agglomerate especially in silos irrespective of the withdrawal system or located in high humid climates.

​Occasionally parts of the agglomerated cement move with fresh cement – which flows smoothly – towards the discharge spout. At this bottleneck, these lumps plug up the discharge aperture causing discharge trouble. The cement flow is reduced or comes to a full stop.

​The Koenig Lump Breaker placed at the silo discharge disintegrates the lumps to a size which allows the cement to pass the aperture of the flow control gate trouble-free.

​The combination of Koenig lump Breaker and Koenig Flow Control Valve in a cement withdrawal system from a silo leads to a 100% blockage free operation thus gives reliable, low cost plant operation.

Koenig Lump Breaker are having wide range of sizes 200mm, 300mm, 400mm, 500mm and, 630mm, cater to convey a max. capacity of 1037m3/hr.